The major purpose of this page is to help you gain an understanding of the U.S. Government. That will be done through powerpoints, videos and links to primary source documents will be posted here on a regular basis.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Political Parties
What are three things that you feel that Political Parties should be dealing with today? What issue is the most important to you?
Economy, civil rights, and foreign policies. Because our country is doing so poorly, I believe economics is the most important. employment rates are extremely low as well as stock market values. Many politicians like Herman Cain are emphasizing the economy because itbis so important. Although not as important, foreign policies are still an important topic. Politicians and political parties need to take a stance on foreign policy and if they should allow countries to sell us their merchandise and vice versatile or if we should support isolationism. Finally, civil rights are important to understand how free we truly are political parties need to take a stance on what rights people are entitled to. This includes gay rights, rights for immigrants, rights for convicted felons, and other groups of minorities.
Economy, economy, and economy. The most important thing to deal with right now, hands down is the economy. The United States, the way its headed is going towards a depression. We cannot keep cutting from schools, because schools and the children in the schools are our future, and they should not have to suffer due to debt in America. Both parties should come up with a plan that will most effectively help reducing economical debt without cutting from the children, and other important programs. I personally feel that you should be taxed depending on your income. Also parties should be deciding how they can help create more jobs for the people, to reduce unemployment. We need to fix the economy before we go into a depression. We cannot worry about helping other countries, when no one seems to be worrying about us in our economic downfall!
Economics is the most important issue to be dealt with because the United States is currently in crisis. The United States says that economy is getting better and is slowly moving away from depression; however it is hard to see a difference. The unemployment rates are still very high and the stock market values are extremely low. The government should stop cutting budgets from school and receive money from restricting the fraud in welfare programs. Other issues that should be dealt are: gay rights, and illegal immigration. To grant or reject gay marriage, the political parties should concentrate on the people’s views on the issue and come up with a bill that would compromise the two divided ideas. For illegal immigration southern states are proposing stricter regulation on illegal Mexican immigrants. However, these restrictions have been bias because the police in the area only suspects Mexicans for illegal immigrants. The legal Mexican Americans and other Americans find that the bias opinions and procedures must be eliminated. The government should decide on the matter and make uniform restrictions on the issue.
The first thing the political parties should deal with is the economy. The American economy is horrible. The political parties should FINALLY agree on some way to help the unemployed. They also have to fix the welfare system because that is also hurting the economy. The next thing the government must work on is immigration laws. Immigration to America is great, it helps the culture, but the government needs to make it harder to get into the country. There are to many illegal immigrants roaming around. They are sometimes on welfare and they take the jobs of Americans because they are cheap labor. I agree with Joe manzi, the government needs to work on foreign policy. The government needs to decide wether other countries should be allowed to sell their merchandise. If so they need to regulate the trade so that there is American business.
The US economy definitly has to be fixed. Our economy was good until about four-five years ago, when our country experienced a mini depression. Unemployment rates skyrocketed and many people lost their jobs. Today, unemployment rates are still higher than most industrialized nations. Our country needs to make more jobs so that we can therefore keep our economy running. The government should also focus more on immigration laws. Many illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from US citizens and are in a way ruining the economy. They also don't pay taxes so we are also losing money. Immigration laws should be more strict. Another issue is education. There have been many budject cuts in schools and this is not helping our country at all. Many students today are going to be leading the nation in the future so taking away their education will not only hurt the US today, but it will hurt the US in the future.
I believe that the economy of the united states should be focused widely on. Considering the low employment rates and overall dissatisfaction with the economy, i feel as if we neeed to concentrate on solving this problem. This is the most important issue to face because millions of Americans are struggling with debt and i feel as if it is the governments responsibility to stabilize the issue. Furthermore, i think that political parties should also deal with international issues, such as getting our troops back home. I personally see no point in sending troops to other nations and i believe that men and women who are fighting for our country are sacrificing their lives when it is not needed. Furthermore, by bring the troops home, the nation would not have to spend more money on military issues. Lastly, the political parties should concentrate on social issues such as gay marriage, abortion, womens rights etc. These are important issues because for they affect most citizens of the nation in one way or another.
The Economy, the environment, and jobs are the three things that political parties should be focusing on. I was hoping to get three things that started with the letter E so it could be the three E's but nothing came to mind so.....oh well. Anyways, the economy should be taken care of for obvious reasons. It is on everyone's minds and is causing major porblems for everyone whether they are rich or poor. It also ties into the jobs aspect of this comment. If the economy is not good, then companies will not be able to afford to hire workers and will be instead forced to lay people off. With thousands jobless, things will not go very well for the USA. And then there is the Environment which we all know is getting more and more destroyed as time goes on and much of the damage we do can be irreversable so more work needs to be put into researching different modes of transportation as well as other plans to reduce waste and restore the environment. If we keep living the way we do, then the downfall the the U.S. government as well as the United States themselves is soon approaching. The most important thing to focus on at the moment is the economy because that seems to be the most talked about problem since the effects are hitting people directly and its easier to fix than the environment and is included in getting people jobs.
First and most importantly the economy is what political parties should be consentrating on. After that the nations debt and then lastly the issue of ilegal immigration. in my opinion, the economy is the most important issue becaue if the economy starts to do better, then there would be many other things in the country that would start to get better.
Three things that i feel Political Parties should be dealing with today are civil rights, immigration, and the economy. I feel that the most important issue would be immigration. I believe that too many people are getting away with things and they are not even legal citizens. For example, I am aware of many situations where people who are citizens can not get medicare, welfare or other benefits from the government. However, there are illegal immigrants who come into this country and somehow manage to get all of the benefits. Over the summer I worked at a hospital and had to deal with a patient who was in this country illegally. They were on medicaid and had health insurance, meanwhile, they were driving a Cadillac. Sure, they can afford it when they get everything from the government without paying a single penny. This a strong issue because it is not fair to the citizens of this country who really need those government benefits.
The economy, employment, and the environment are important in this day and age. i believe the economy is the most important because it needs the most fixing. the debt and deficit today is a major cause for concern. Currently, the employment rate in our country is not as high as it used to be, the unemplyoment rate is at a high, and new jobs need to be created. without these jobs, the debt will increase and tax money will still be wasted on unemployed workers. The environment is an important topic because while we are trying to create more jobs, we are destroying our envrionment in the process. we have to protect the environment in order to preserve natural resources.
The economy is obviously the most important issues in need of serious attention. Unemployment, impending depression, budget debates, taxing issues....a great many problems in the United States can be attributed to problems with the economy. Of all the problems and controversies in our society, the single issue that's resolution could save the country is economics. A second issue in need of attention is public education. The future of the country is it's students and, as such, they need to be taught to become adequate candidates to run the country. This teaching lies in education which is decreasing in importance, funding, and credability in recent years. And lastly, Congress. The house has been at a major standstill as of late and has proven incapable to making tough decisions. Congress has to be made to make decisions that count for the good of our country and not to sit idly by and to procrastinate making actual choices.
Three things that Political Parties should be dealing with today is the economy, lowering taxes and health care reform.The economy needs to be fixed. When the economy is fixed everything else in the country will fall into place. The Political Parties should think of ways to create jobs and help the country to get out of debt. Lowering taxes would be beneficial for everyone. Lowering taxes would make the economy better. It will give people more money to spend. Health Care reform is important because the government can't put the burden of health care on small businesses that are barely going by. I think that the economy is the most important. It is because it really needs to be fixed. The economy makes the whole country drag.
Economics is the most important issue to be dealt with because the United States is currently in crisis. The American economy is horrible. Unemployment rates skyrocketed and many people lost their jobs. Today, unemployment rates are still higher than most industrialized nations. Our country needs to make more jobs so that we can therefore keep our economy running. This is the most important issue to face because millions of Americans are struggling with debt and I feel as if it is the government’s responsibility to stabilize the issue. civil rights are important to understand how free we truly are political parties need to take a stance on what rights people are entitled to. This includes gay rights, rights for immigrants, rights for convicted felons, and other groups of minorities.
when it comes to political parties I think at this point they should be focusing their attention on the economy, civil liberties and education. The economy above all else is a major problem in the United States. So many people in the U.S. are still jobless and instead of making us do small jobs like working at mcdonalds and burger king I think political parties should spend more time figuring our ways to get companies to stop outsourcing and giving the jobs to American Citizens instead to help the economy by giving people more jobs to work and buy things to stimulate the economy. I also think civil liberties are also a major topic that political parties should focus on because even now there are still so many racial incidences and hate crimes occurring in the United States. Many times the rights of our citizens are being violated by the police and I think the political parties should focus on keeping certain boundaries so that not only will our rights be more protected but religion and the state will be kept separate as well. I also think education especially is something political parties should focus on because these days so many programs are being cut out of the budget system and teachers can’t even give students loose leaf paper to copy notes on because of all the budget cuts. Students are the future of America and in order to help insure a brighter future for America we need to spend more money on education to offer kids the best. Countries like India and china and japan are doing better than us technologically and educationally for a reason and actions must be made! Personally issues like religion and abortion and civil liberties concerning freedom of expression and freedom of speech interest me.
Political parties today should definitely be dealing with the economy, education, and civil rights. Our economy is definitely the most important since our economy is not doing any better in the most recent years. Our unemployment rates have been low for years now and political parties really have to agree on a way to increase employment and start decreasing the deficit. I definitely feel that education is the next issue that has to be focused on. Since education is dealt with within the state, political parties should focus on education on the state level and not the national level. Our education rates, especially those in New York, are extremely low and our education system needs extreme reforming. Regents need to be taken out and newer teachers need to be put into the system. Learning the same topic is completely different when taught by a 26-year old compared to a 66-year old. Civil rights, although not as big an issue as the former, is still a big "hot topic." Political parties need to focus more on the common person's rights based on the Constitution regardless of the opinions of either political parties.
Political parties should deal with the economy, employment, and the environment today. The most important issue is the economy at the moment because the United States is struggling to balance budgets, earn more than we spend, and basically survive. If our economy fails then the United States fails as a nation. Parties should deal with unemployment because there are a lot of people without jobs. They should try to create more jobs but at the same time fix the welfare system so it is more strict. Lastly, the political parties should deal with the environment because it is where we live. The advancement in technology can be used to protect our planet rather than having detrimental effects. The parties should encourage their followers to be more green and efficient in everyday life to help our nation survive.
The three issues I believe Political Parties should be dealing with today relate to the economy, education, and unemployment. As flagrant as it is, the economy in America is greatly suffering. People are no longer making money and therefore, no longer buy things. As a result, businesses aren’t getting enough money. This never ending chain reaction has caused chaos in our country and needs to be fixed immediately. Due to the lack of money, government has not paid enough attention to education. Every child is granted a proper education which I believe has not been portrayed to its full potential. For instance, a school in Queens had it’s students go three months without a English teacher due to budget cuts. This is conspicuously unacceptable. In addition, a multitude of schools lack proper supplies along with a proper learning environment for their students. Lastly, the most important issue is unemployment, for unemployment has caused the other two issues in addition to many more serious and life changing problems Americans are facing today. Nowadays, the unemployment rates are at their lowest and tons of people are left without jobs. There is no way to “prime the pump” and get the economy going without people having jobs; without jobs, people have no money; without money, people do not spend money and buy things.
Political parties should be dealing with the economy, immigration and foreign policy. The most important of these is the economy. The United States is in a fairly large debt. The most important item, the thing everyone should be focused on is unemployment rates. Political parties need to figure a smart and effective strategy to decrease the unemployment rates. People need to get back to work, and stop collecting unemployment. Jobs need to be created, and people need to be able to be a contributing factor to society. I also think political parties should be dealing with immigration. Especially when the United States citizens are facing unemployment, it is not fair for illegal’s to get jobs. Many are finding it cheaper to higher the illegal immigrants, then American citizens. This also makes it harder for American citizens to find jobs. I also believe political parties need to deal with foreign policy. I believe things need to be regulated and adjusted so that America is profiting more. I believe we should first focus on bettering our country, then others.
The definite first thing that political parties should deal with in modern times is the economy. Though some may say that the recession is essentially over, the American economy is still in shambles, and needs to be restored to a position in which it was flourishing. Welfare, as alabianca17 has stated, is definitely something the political parties have to work on because its prevalence as a negative entity is further prolonging the restoration of the economy. The second item that political parties should be dealing with is unemployment. The percentages of unemployment is nearing ten percent of the whole population; and thus something must be done in order to both straighten out the time of unemployment benefits as well as create jobs that the unemployed can take up. In doing so, they can also indirectly increase voter turnout for those who become re-employed are more likely to vote. The last thing that political parties should be working on is immigration. With the number of illegal immigrants present in the U.S. increasing, something should be done in order to either validate or deny their citizenship; which in turn can clear up the matter as a whole. In my belief, the economy is the most important issue, as it will heavily affect my college career as far as tuition goes; and also will have an effect on how and when I will find a job once I finish college. If the economy becomes completely corrupt, I think the nation as a whole will eventually follow.
Three things that political parties should be dealing with are the economy, civil rights, and the wars in the Middle East. I feel the most important issue right now is definitely the economy, as many of my classmates have said. In order for everything else to be straightened out, money needs to be in order. I see money as a very vital role in US government. Once we settle our money problems, then we can deal with everything else in the country.
The economy is one of the factors that needs to be addressed. We are in debt and the unemployment rate is tremendous. Action needs to be taken in congress to solve the issues. Hiring more people is crucial, but that is hard to do without much income. We are in desperate need of some way to stimulate the economy. This depression we are in is affecting many aspects of our lives. For example, budget cuts in school have brought changes to many students. Many higher level language courses got cut, as did spending to the sports teams which so many of us are apart of. Teacher salary is an issue as well. One of the more modern topics in politics today is the environment. The more advanced we get, the more we find ourselves harming the environment. Emphasis on "going green" would help many politicians earn votes.
I believe that political parties should focus more on improving the economy,the environment,and foreign policies.The economy is going through a bad turn at the moment and the debt is constantly increasing. Though maybe a little extra spending is good, spending too much over the budget is creating a crisis. The environment is important because there is only one Earth we live on and at the current rate, we are killing our planet and destroying the natural habitats of animals. Since the Industrial Revolution, animals become extinct everyday and ruins the biodiversity of the planet. Foreign policies are important because the United States should be creating good relationships with other countries, but we have been doing the opposite (such as Iran. Also, the United States has to rely less on China because if the economic bubble bursts in China, the United States is going to be affected. The issue of civil rights is the most important to me. I believe that everyone should basically all be treated the same and that discrimination should come to an end.
Three issues that political parties shoyuld be dealing with today are the economy, racial quotas, and education. The most important of these issues, to me, would be education. Although "No Child Left Behind" is good in theory, it does not work in practicle situations. This program got rid of many core and shop classes in schools, leading those who typically are not the "college-type" applyinag and attending college. Many may think that it is a good thing that these kids are now attending college,. however these people may not actually do anything with their degreess or even finish. This leaves many people in debt and without a job in today's economy. Something needs to be dont to fix this, like bringing back core and shop classes for those who are not sure what they can do or want to do after high school.
My foremost issue which political parties should focus upon is security for the United States. Security provides common defense for the general well-being. Political parties should secure the borders of the United States in order to prevent illegal immigration. Additionally, by enforcing security objectives, political parties should provide internal protection from international/and domestic impediments. Lastly, by implementing tighter security measures, the United States would maintain the interest of the United States abroad.
Furthermore, the political parties within the United States should focus on measures which would improve the unemployment and economic issue at hand. With unemployment increasing, political parties should construct policies which would create jobs, while maintaining the budget of the United States. These political parties should be able to build policies which would compromise with both defending/and opposing political parties. Moreover, these political parties need to establish a plan in order to improve the recessive economy of the United States. By implementing such policy, political parties would be able to fix the economic stance of the United States.
The economy is probably the biggest issue Political parties should be dealing with. Our economy is in a really bad state and we need to do all we can to fix it before we can fully focus on other issues. Issues like civil rights, immigration, and foreign policy are still very important, but they all fall second to the economy. Without a properly running economy, there is no way we could support the fixing of other issues. I say the full focus of the parties should be on the economy, for now.
There are many things that political parties should try and fix. One thing is getting the public to be more involved in politics. Many people just listen to the media and call that being informed. People need to understand politics because it is important to keep this country running smoothly. People just don't take voting that seriously nowadays. Another problem is the economy. Employment rates are low and need to be fixed. Roads and bridges and such should be fixed for the safety of us, while providing work for the unemployed. There needs to be a plan to lower the economic debt in this country. Everyone wants to fix the economy but action needs to be shown! If the economy is not fixed this country will slowly crumble. The last thing would be the security in our country. Crime rates should be low and I feel as if a lot of criminals are on the loose. People need to do a better job to keep this country safe. Also the police don't make me feel safe there are rarely any good police officers anymore. I just don't trust any of them to keep me safe. Nowadays the police cross the line. They are either lazy or immoral.
I believe two of the most important things political parties should be dealing with today is the economy and a return to domestic production. Our economy has obviously been on the decline for the past few years, I believe one of the major causes of this is because we import much more than we export. Because of this we have pumped up the economy of foreign countries such as China to an all-time high while causing ours to plummet. I believe if the production line was moved back into our borders it would create more factory jobs for people and promote the greater good of our country. Not only this but it would also promote nationalism with the idea of return to American made products. Another important issue i feel parties should be focusing on is the environment. Not only for the protection of the environment but because of the possible profits that could be made in this field. If many factories and homes were switched to energy efficient forms of power they would save millions of dollars over time. Though it would be expensive to initiate i feel the future profits would quickly make up for it. The amount of jobs that could be created to convert homes and businesses to solar or other forms of power would also be unreal. Protecting the environment would not only be beneficial to its overall health but could become an important factor to help pull us out of the recession.
The economy is the most important issue to be dealt with today. In the United States, unemployment rates are high and and stock market values are decreasing as well. Along with the various methods to fix the economy, most of the methods include cutting budgets of other public areas, which is in turn, negatively affect many citizens. The government need a better method especially with the fraud that exist in welfare programs. Another issue that the government need to work on is with the illegal immigration. Immigration rates are high and with all the new immigrants coming in, many Americans are losing job opportunities. Stricter regulation may be necessary, because, the immigrants are affecting the economy greatly as well as the citizens' personal and economic lives. Lastly, the government need to focus on civil rights. Yes, [people are stated to have equal rights, but not everyone really does. Political parties should come to an settlement with issues such as gay marriage and rights for minorities.
Economy, civil rights, and foreign policies. Because our country is doing so poorly, I believe economics is the most important. employment rates are extremely low as well as stock market values. Many politicians like Herman Cain are emphasizing the economy because itbis so important. Although not as important, foreign policies are still an important topic. Politicians and political parties need to take a stance on foreign policy and if they should allow countries to sell us their merchandise and vice versatile or if we should support isolationism. Finally, civil rights are important to understand how free we truly are political parties need to take a stance on what rights people are entitled to. This includes gay rights, rights for immigrants, rights for convicted felons, and other groups of minorities.
Economy, economy, and economy. The most important thing to deal with right now, hands down is the economy. The United States, the way its headed is going towards a depression. We cannot keep cutting from schools, because schools and the children in the schools are our future, and they should not have to suffer due to debt in America. Both parties should come up with a plan that will most effectively help reducing economical debt without cutting from the children, and other important programs. I personally feel that you should be taxed depending on your income. Also parties should be deciding how they can help create more jobs for the people, to reduce unemployment. We need to fix the economy before we go into a depression. We cannot worry about helping other countries, when no one seems to be worrying about us in our economic downfall!
Economics is the most important issue to be dealt with because the United States is currently in crisis. The United States says that economy is getting better and is slowly moving away from depression; however it is hard to see a difference. The unemployment rates are still very high and the stock market values are extremely low. The government should stop cutting budgets from school and receive money from restricting the fraud in welfare programs. Other issues that should be dealt are: gay rights, and illegal immigration. To grant or reject gay marriage, the political parties should concentrate on the people’s views on the issue and come up with a bill that would compromise the two divided ideas. For illegal immigration southern states are proposing stricter regulation on illegal Mexican immigrants. However, these restrictions have been bias because the police in the area only suspects Mexicans for illegal immigrants. The legal Mexican Americans and other Americans find that the bias opinions and procedures must be eliminated. The government should decide on the matter and make uniform restrictions on the issue.
The first thing the political parties should deal with is the economy. The American economy is horrible. The political parties should FINALLY agree on some way to help the unemployed. They also have to fix the welfare system because that is also hurting the economy.
The next thing the government must work on is immigration laws. Immigration to America is great, it helps the culture, but the government needs to make it harder to get into the country. There are to many illegal immigrants roaming around. They are sometimes on welfare and they take the jobs of Americans because they are cheap labor.
I agree with Joe manzi, the government needs to work on foreign policy. The government needs to decide wether other countries should be allowed to sell their merchandise. If so they need to regulate the trade so that there is American business.
The US economy definitly has to be fixed. Our economy was good until about four-five years ago, when our country experienced a mini depression. Unemployment rates skyrocketed and many people lost their jobs. Today, unemployment rates are still higher than most industrialized nations. Our country needs to make more jobs so that we can therefore keep our economy running. The government should also focus more on immigration laws. Many illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from US citizens and are in a way ruining the economy. They also don't pay taxes so we are also losing money. Immigration laws should be more strict. Another issue is education. There have been many budject cuts in schools and this is not helping our country at all. Many students today are going to be leading the nation in the future so taking away their education will not only hurt the US today, but it will hurt the US in the future.
I believe that the economy of the united states should be focused widely on. Considering the low employment rates and overall dissatisfaction with the economy, i feel as if we neeed to concentrate on solving this problem. This is the most important issue to face because millions of Americans are struggling with debt and i feel as if it is the governments responsibility to stabilize the issue. Furthermore, i think that political parties should also deal with international issues, such as getting our troops back home. I personally see no point in sending troops to other nations and i believe that men and women who are fighting for our country are sacrificing their lives when it is not needed. Furthermore, by bring the troops home, the nation would not have to spend more money on military issues. Lastly, the political parties should concentrate on social issues such as gay marriage, abortion, womens rights etc. These are important issues because for they affect most citizens of the nation in one way or another.
The Economy, the environment, and jobs are the three things that political parties should be focusing on. I was hoping to get three things that started with the letter E so it could be the three E's but nothing came to mind so.....oh well. Anyways, the economy should be taken care of for obvious reasons. It is on everyone's minds and is causing major porblems for everyone whether they are rich or poor. It also ties into the jobs aspect of this comment. If the economy is not good, then companies will not be able to afford to hire workers and will be instead forced to lay people off. With thousands jobless, things will not go very well for the USA. And then there is the Environment which we all know is getting more and more destroyed as time goes on and much of the damage we do can be irreversable so more work needs to be put into researching different modes of transportation as well as other plans to reduce waste and restore the environment. If we keep living the way we do, then the downfall the the U.S. government as well as the United States themselves is soon approaching. The most important thing to focus on at the moment is the economy because that seems to be the most talked about problem since the effects are hitting people directly and its easier to fix than the environment and is included in getting people jobs.
First and most importantly the economy is what political parties should be consentrating on. After that the nations debt and then lastly the issue of ilegal immigration. in my opinion, the economy is the most important issue becaue if the economy starts to do better, then there would be many other things in the country that would start to get better.
Three things that i feel Political Parties should be dealing with today are civil rights, immigration, and the economy. I feel that the most important issue would be immigration. I believe that too many people are getting away with things and they are not even legal citizens. For example, I am aware of many situations where people who are citizens can not get medicare, welfare or other benefits from the government. However, there are illegal immigrants who come into this country and somehow manage to get all of the benefits. Over the summer I worked at a hospital and had to deal with a patient who was in this country illegally. They were on medicaid and had health insurance, meanwhile, they were driving a Cadillac. Sure, they can afford it when they get everything from the government without paying a single penny. This a strong issue because it is not fair to the citizens of this country who really need those government benefits.
The economy, employment, and the environment are important in this day and age. i believe the economy is the most important because it needs the most fixing. the debt and deficit today is a major cause for concern. Currently, the employment rate in our country is not as high as it used to be, the unemplyoment rate is at a high, and new jobs need to be created. without these jobs, the debt will increase and tax money will still be wasted on unemployed workers. The environment is an important topic because while we are trying to create more jobs, we are destroying our envrionment in the process. we have to protect the environment in order to preserve natural resources.
The economy is obviously the most important issues in need of serious attention. Unemployment, impending depression, budget debates, taxing issues....a great many problems in the United States can be attributed to problems with the economy. Of all the problems and controversies in our society, the single issue that's resolution could save the country is economics. A second issue in need of attention is public education. The future of the country is it's students and, as such, they need to be taught to become adequate candidates to run the country. This teaching lies in education which is decreasing in importance, funding, and credability in recent years. And lastly, Congress. The house has been at a major standstill as of late and has proven incapable to making tough decisions. Congress has to be made to make decisions that count for the good of our country and not to sit idly by and to procrastinate making actual choices.
Three things that Political Parties should be dealing with today is the economy, lowering taxes and health care reform.The economy needs to be fixed. When the economy is fixed everything else in the country will fall into place. The Political Parties should think of ways to create jobs and help the country to get out of debt. Lowering taxes would be beneficial for everyone. Lowering taxes would make the economy better. It will give people more money to spend. Health Care reform is important because the government can't put the burden of health care on small businesses that are barely going by. I think that the economy is the most important. It is because it really needs to be fixed. The economy makes the whole country drag.
Economics is the most important issue to be dealt with because the United States is currently in crisis. The American economy is horrible. Unemployment rates skyrocketed and many people lost their jobs. Today, unemployment rates are still higher than most industrialized nations. Our country needs to make more jobs so that we can therefore keep our economy running. This is the most important issue to face because millions of Americans are struggling with debt and I feel as if it is the government’s responsibility to stabilize the issue. civil rights are important to understand how free we truly are political parties need to take a stance on what rights people are entitled to. This includes gay rights, rights for immigrants, rights for convicted felons, and other groups of minorities.
when it comes to political parties I think at this point they should be focusing their attention on the economy, civil liberties and education. The economy above all else is a major problem in the United States. So many people in the U.S. are still jobless and instead of making us do small jobs like working at mcdonalds and burger king I think political parties should spend more time figuring our ways to get companies to stop outsourcing and giving the jobs to American Citizens instead to help the economy by giving people more jobs to work and buy things to stimulate the economy. I also think civil liberties are also a major topic that political parties should focus on because even now there are still so many racial incidences and hate crimes occurring in the United States. Many times the rights of our citizens are being violated by the police and I think the political parties should focus on keeping certain boundaries so that not only will our rights be more protected but religion and the state will be kept separate as well. I also think education especially is something political parties should focus on because these days so many programs are being cut out of the budget system and teachers can’t even give students loose leaf paper to copy notes on because of all the budget cuts. Students are the future of America and in order to help insure a brighter future for America we need to spend more money on education to offer kids the best. Countries like India and china and japan are doing better than us technologically and educationally for a reason and actions must be made! Personally issues like religion and abortion and civil liberties concerning freedom of expression and freedom of speech interest me.
Political parties today should definitely be dealing with the economy, education, and civil rights. Our economy is definitely the most important since our economy is not doing any better in the most recent years. Our unemployment rates have been low for years now and political parties really have to agree on a way to increase employment and start decreasing the deficit. I definitely feel that education is the next issue that has to be focused on. Since education is dealt with within the state, political parties should focus on education on the state level and not the national level. Our education rates, especially those in New York, are extremely low and our education system needs extreme reforming. Regents need to be taken out and newer teachers need to be put into the system. Learning the same topic is completely different when taught by a 26-year old compared to a 66-year old. Civil rights, although not as big an issue as the former, is still a big "hot topic." Political parties need to focus more on the common person's rights based on the Constitution regardless of the opinions of either political parties.
Political parties should deal with the economy, employment, and the environment today. The most important issue is the economy at the moment because the United States is struggling to balance budgets, earn more than we spend, and basically survive. If our economy fails then the United States fails as a nation. Parties should deal with unemployment because there are a lot of people without jobs. They should try to create more jobs but at the same time fix the welfare system so it is more strict. Lastly, the political parties should deal with the environment because it is where we live. The advancement in technology can be used to protect our planet rather than having detrimental effects. The parties should encourage their followers to be more green and efficient in everyday life to help our nation survive.
The three issues I believe Political Parties should be dealing with today relate to the economy, education, and unemployment. As flagrant as it is, the economy in America is greatly suffering. People are no longer making money and therefore, no longer buy things. As a result, businesses aren’t getting enough money. This never ending chain reaction has caused chaos in our country and needs to be fixed immediately. Due to the lack of money, government has not paid enough attention to education. Every child is granted a proper education which I believe has not been portrayed to its full potential. For instance, a school in Queens had it’s students go three months without a English teacher due to budget cuts. This is conspicuously unacceptable. In addition, a multitude of schools lack proper supplies along with a proper learning environment for their students. Lastly, the most important issue is unemployment, for unemployment has caused the other two issues in addition to many more serious and life changing problems Americans are facing today. Nowadays, the unemployment rates are at their lowest and tons of people are left without jobs. There is no way to “prime the pump” and get the economy going without people having jobs; without jobs, people have no money; without money, people do not spend money and buy things.
Political parties should be dealing with the economy, immigration and foreign policy. The most important of these is the economy. The United States is in a fairly large debt. The most important item, the thing everyone should be focused on is unemployment rates. Political parties need to figure a smart and effective strategy to decrease the unemployment rates. People need to get back to work, and stop collecting unemployment. Jobs need to be created, and people need to be able to be a contributing factor to society. I also think political parties should be dealing with immigration. Especially when the United States citizens are facing unemployment, it is not fair for illegal’s to get jobs. Many are finding it cheaper to higher the illegal immigrants, then American citizens. This also makes it harder for American citizens to find jobs. I also believe political parties need to deal with foreign policy. I believe things need to be regulated and adjusted so that America is profiting more. I believe we should first focus on bettering our country, then others.
The definite first thing that political parties should deal with in modern times is the economy. Though some may say that the recession is essentially over, the American economy is still in shambles, and needs to be restored to a position in which it was flourishing. Welfare, as alabianca17 has stated, is definitely something the political parties have to work on because its prevalence as a negative entity is further prolonging the restoration of the economy. The second item that political parties should be dealing with is unemployment. The percentages of unemployment is nearing ten percent of the whole population; and thus something must be done in order to both straighten out the time of unemployment benefits as well as create jobs that the unemployed can take up. In doing so, they can also indirectly increase voter turnout for those who become re-employed are more likely to vote. The last thing that political parties should be working on is immigration. With the number of illegal immigrants present in the U.S. increasing, something should be done in order to either validate or deny their citizenship; which in turn can clear up the matter as a whole. In my belief, the economy is the most important issue, as it will heavily affect my college career as far as tuition goes; and also will have an effect on how and when I will find a job once I finish college. If the economy becomes completely corrupt, I think the nation as a whole will eventually follow.
Three things that political parties should be dealing with are the economy, civil rights, and the wars in the Middle East. I feel the most important issue right now is definitely the economy, as many of my classmates have said. In order for everything else to be straightened out, money needs to be in order. I see money as a very vital role in US government. Once we settle our money problems, then we can deal with everything else in the country.
The economy is one of the factors that needs to be addressed. We are in debt and the unemployment rate is tremendous. Action needs to be taken in congress to solve the issues. Hiring more people is crucial, but that is hard to do without much income. We are in desperate need of some way to stimulate the economy. This depression we are in is affecting many aspects of our lives. For example, budget cuts in school have brought changes to many students. Many higher level language courses got cut, as did spending to the sports teams which so many of us are apart of. Teacher salary is an issue as well. One of the more modern topics in politics today is the environment. The more advanced we get, the more we find ourselves harming the environment. Emphasis on "going green" would help many politicians earn votes.
I believe that political parties should focus more on improving the economy,the environment,and foreign policies.The economy is going through a bad turn at the moment and the debt is constantly increasing. Though maybe a little extra spending is good, spending too much over the budget is creating a crisis. The environment is important because there is only one Earth we live on and at the current rate, we are killing our planet and destroying the natural habitats of animals. Since the Industrial Revolution, animals become extinct everyday and ruins the biodiversity of the planet. Foreign policies are important because the United States should be creating good relationships with other countries, but we have been doing the opposite (such as Iran. Also, the United States has to rely less on China because if the economic bubble bursts in China, the United States is going to be affected. The issue of civil rights is the most important to me. I believe that everyone should basically all be treated the same and that discrimination should come to an end.
Three issues that political parties shoyuld be dealing with today are the economy, racial quotas, and education. The most important of these issues, to me, would be education. Although "No Child Left Behind" is good in theory, it does not work in practicle situations. This program got rid of many core and shop classes in schools, leading those who typically are not the "college-type" applyinag and attending college. Many may think that it is a good thing that these kids are now attending college,. however these people may not actually do anything with their degreess or even finish. This leaves many people in debt and without a job in today's economy. Something needs to be dont to fix this, like bringing back core and shop classes for those who are not sure what they can do or want to do after high school.
My foremost issue which political parties should focus upon is security for the United States. Security provides common defense for the general well-being. Political parties should secure the borders of the United States in order to prevent illegal immigration. Additionally, by enforcing security objectives, political parties should provide internal protection from international/and domestic impediments. Lastly, by implementing tighter security measures, the United States would maintain the interest of the United States abroad.
Furthermore, the political parties within the United States should focus on measures which would improve the unemployment and economic issue at hand. With unemployment increasing, political parties should construct policies which would create jobs, while maintaining the budget of the United States. These political parties should be able to build policies which would compromise with both defending/and opposing political parties. Moreover, these political parties need to establish a plan in order to improve the recessive economy of the United States. By implementing such policy, political parties would be able to fix the economic stance of the United States.
The economy is probably the biggest issue Political parties should be dealing with. Our economy is in a really bad state and we need to do all we can to fix it before we can fully focus on other issues. Issues like civil rights, immigration, and foreign policy are still very important, but they all fall second to the economy. Without a properly running economy, there is no way we could support the fixing of other issues. I say the full focus of the parties should be on the economy, for now.
There are many things that political parties should try and fix. One thing is getting the public to be more involved in politics. Many people just listen to the media and call that being informed. People need to understand politics because it is important to keep this country running smoothly. People just don't take voting that seriously nowadays. Another problem is the economy. Employment rates are low and need to be fixed. Roads and bridges and such should be fixed for the safety of us, while providing work for the unemployed. There needs to be a plan to lower the economic debt in this country. Everyone wants to fix the economy but action needs to be shown! If the economy is not fixed this country will slowly crumble. The last thing would be the security in our country. Crime rates should be low and I feel as if a lot of criminals are on the loose. People need to do a better job to keep this country safe. Also the police don't make me feel safe there are rarely any good police officers anymore. I just don't trust any of them to keep me safe. Nowadays the police cross the line. They are either lazy or immoral.
I believe two of the most important things political parties should be dealing with today is the economy and a return to domestic production. Our economy has obviously been on the decline for the past few years, I believe one of the major causes of this is because we import much more than we export. Because of this we have pumped up the economy of foreign countries such as China to an all-time high while causing ours to plummet. I believe if the production line was moved back into our borders it would create more factory jobs for people and promote the greater good of our country. Not only this but it would also promote nationalism with the idea of return to American made products. Another important issue i feel parties should be focusing on is the environment. Not only for the protection of the environment but because of the possible profits that could be made in this field. If many factories and homes were switched to energy efficient forms of power they would save millions of dollars over time. Though it would be expensive to initiate i feel the future profits would quickly make up for it. The amount of jobs that could be created to convert homes and businesses to solar or other forms of power would also be unreal. Protecting the environment would not only be beneficial to its overall health but could become an important factor to help pull us out of the recession.
The economy is the most important issue to be dealt with today. In the United States, unemployment rates are high and and stock market values are decreasing as well. Along with the various methods to fix the economy, most of the methods include cutting budgets of other public areas, which is in turn, negatively affect many citizens. The government need a better method especially with the fraud that exist in welfare programs. Another issue that the government need to work on is with the illegal immigration. Immigration rates are high and with all the new immigrants coming in, many Americans are losing job opportunities. Stricter regulation may be necessary, because, the immigrants are affecting the economy greatly as well as the citizens' personal and economic lives. Lastly, the government need to focus on civil rights. Yes, [people are stated to have equal rights, but not everyone really does. Political parties should come to an settlement with issues such as gay marriage and rights for minorities.
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